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Sunday 27 January 2013

Those Dreams

I had another dream that killed me when my eyes opened and I was in bed. In my room. In my house. Not. Harry's. It's like tears fall down (like the showers that are british) as soon as you realise you have no chance of what your mind brought in your sleepy visions of it happening in reality. Now I can officially say reality ruined my life. It was kind of like the Dark Fanfiction; not that I've gone deep into it, but I've read the basics. I get tired and say I've read it all but I actually haven't. You see, in my dream, Harry was kind of drunk and woozy (just like those high people that were outside my house that very night) and he was whispering flirty things in my ear (I was beginning to think I was too much of a young person to be dreaming about those things) of which I didn't really remember. Which sucks. Then when I left he told me 'he didn't want me to go' because 'there were things he wanted to do' which literally scared the crap out of me and I ran away. Poor Harry. I hated myself for a while. Then the next day he saw me and he started insulting me. Yet again, I didn't remember what he said. Which was kind of bad, because I was hoping to tell Harry those awful things he said to me via. Twitter. Then time passed by where he kept being mean and then suddenly he told me he loved me. He was very flirtatious around me. He sometimes would wrap his arms around me and I'd smile and the cold atmosphere turned to a bright type. Then he'd peck me on the cheek. I wasn't a fangirl in my dreams. Weird. Fangirling is what I do 24/7. So... I went days, or nearing close to months, without fangirling? I just officially creeped myself out. Woah. 
Anyways he was all like this after he told me he loved me.
And he'd kiss me like this

And whenever he saw me with any of the other boys (liam zayn niall louis) he'd look like this 
But our relationship came to an end when I woke up. Typical. Yippee. Happiness prevails.

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